Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#475 – Living, Training, and Racing without Fear or Guilt



A lot of us use this sport as a vehicle to be better people and athletes but do you feel “free” or are you holding guilt, regret, and fear? Today we talk about common situations in triathlon that can impact your joy in the sport and life. We talk about changing baseline stress, hanging around till you’re ready, and 60 minutes of “something.” You’re an adult and you can be whoever you want to be. Are you taking that seriously? Are you facing fears? Are you carrying shame? Are you living, training, and racing free?  Topics:  C26 Hub Grand Opening - Chattanooga 70.3 Weekend Sticking with this sport for a tough year When our baseline of stress changes Being all about doing the best you can When triathlon is a life saver Some “turned off” during the pandemic When your race becomes a goal 100 Day Run Streaks “Hanging around” until you’re ready When all three sports start to click When you’re late to your own party Re-thinking your training priority  Living the dream You can be whoever you want to be  You’re an adu