Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#471 – Happy and Healthy Training



Do you have a tendency to look at training as an obligation or something that excites you? Today, we get into this often destructive habit and talk about how to really find what motivates you and excites you about training. We look at what makes a net positive workout and why it’s so hard to stop when we’re ahead. Transitions in your daily life may be the secret to feeling good and maintaining energy. Why do we always feel like we HAVE TO do more?? Do you really know what makes you happy? Training in a way that keeps you healthy.  Topics:  Check out our Hub/Condo Combo Experience   Ironman Chattanooga Training Weekend Tired legs when we start, feeling good at the end Does training Excite you? Ironman doesn’t always have to be a grind Don’t make training an obligation Tough schedules/routines What are you trying to fulfill? Net positive workouts Why do we feel like we HAVE TO or SHOULD do more? Workout mode or in the moment? Burnout — triathlon as coping Too much?? Long term patterns Addictive natures What ex