Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#465 – Race Energy is Back



Let's face it, we all need some Race Energy. Texas and Florida 70.3 wait in the wings and we couldn't be more excited. How will the dynamics change? How will people race when training for 12-18 months? That competitive "first time" feeling. Will C_vid drive growth in triathlon? How many will be in the fields? Remembering why we go into the sport. Robbie's secret training. And when our "why" changes. Topics: Sweet 16 talk  Robbie’s bold prediction for 2021 races Ironman first timers  Growth of the sport coming after C_vid? Demand for Ironman Everyone has changed the last year Alcohol sales down for the first time in pandemic? Deferrals  1,000-1,500 per race? Texas 70.3 protocol Ironman Tier System  Chattanooga  Kona 2021  Dusting off the cobwebs Just like riding a bike? Robbie’s Secret training Working on transitions Socks or no sox on the run? How easily we forget why we got into the sport Why did YOU do your first Ironman? When our why changes Lend a hand to new triathletes Chattanooga nightlife on fire, sa