Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#460 – Reconnecting with Race Speed and Emotions



How should we approach our first race back? We suggest looking at it like a controlled scrimmage or dress rehearsal. In other words, a spring board to a great season. If you watched Challenge Miami you probably saw that even the Pro triathletes were a bit rusty. As races come into view it may be time to step back and recalibrate your approach. That doesn’t mean you have to be slower, but your early races after a long time off should probably be setting you up for something later. Find your own perfection without the pressure.  Topics: Daylight Savings Time Sleep  Challenge Miami Re-cap Pro Triathletes Rusty in Transition Robbie got Goosebumps/ Mike Forgot Transitioning to living/racing after 2020 Rusty Racing — Like an organized scrimmage It’s time to step out into the world of racing Races and safety protocol  Spectators?? It won’t “feel” like a practice game Aim Low and finish high Ease into each segment  Racing as a dress rehearsal  Perfection without the pressure Virtual Racing Pitfalls Game day speed Bi