Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#445 – Finding Your Groove



What puts our mind and body in a groove? Today we explore our own recent experiences with finding the zone. We look at the challenges of holding back. The goal of simply feeling good and how that seems to take care of the rest. The challenges of replacing bad habits with good ones and the easiest way to do it. We look at finding daily wins, beating short term cravings, and getting rid of forced expectations.   Don't forget to check out the C26 Club Program. We lay out your entire year for only $349.  Today's Topics: Ups and downs of training How does it click? How the podcast is like training Geting in a Zone Turning Inward first What feeling in shape means Being in the Zone, but only 1 and 2 Without a race on the calendar Swinging at piñatas  Getting the ball rolling When nothing can stop you Feeling Good is the Goal Appropriately challenging Finding the easiest win today Laughter as medicine Mike and Robbie’s allegiance to sports . . .  Moving goal posts  We are what we expose ourselves to Embrace YOUR TRU