Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#444 – Swimming Fast and Fresh



Do you feel stalled in your swim progress? We're sure there's a nugget or two in here that will help you get faster while staying fresh. We look at the pull buoy dilemma and how to break the habit, turnover and the difference between fast and efficient. We also talk about mechanics including hand entry, how to get there, and what to do next. Break the bad habits and start using the water to get where you want to go.  Don't forget to check out the C26 Club Program. We lay out your entire year for only $349.  Topics: It’s not about being in a hurry It’s simpler than you think So many ways to teach swimming Bad habits and fall backs When you’re not getting faster Stalled? Repressed? What we say to those who say “The swim doesn’t matter” The Pull Buoy Dilemma Making Swimming Easier Narrowing your focus Combining the Pull Buoy with Bands The importance of lengthening from the hips Similarities between swimming and cycling Water as a means to getting where you want to go Even if the mechanics are perfect . . . Swi