Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#439 - In 2021 . . . Why Not?



Instead of asking why, start saying Why Not? Today we explore the power of moving forward without fear and how that clears the deck for each day. What if there were no New Years and days just kept counting up? We get into the mental aspects of training and the excitement that racing brings and how much we miss it. Robbie talks about being a parent. Mike remembers losing his father one year ago today and how it stripped away many fears. It’s been a tough year, but “what matters most is how well you walk through the fire.”* Topics:  Don’t forget to check out the Club Program where we take care of planning your entire training schedule around your 2021 races. Also, Mike is accepting athletes for full time coaching, learn more about both at  A Day is a Day The official decision on if we’ll add sponsors in 2021 . . .  A little layer of numb and the patience lesson Stoic or reality? Would New Years be so exciting if Christmas was in June? What if there were no years, only days that keep counting?