Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#415 - Listener Questions and Answers



Great questions from the listeners! Today we tackle core work; how much, how often. Also, recognizing and improving your weaknesses in the correct way. We get into bike fit and why it might be even more important for your run. Finding challenges to alleviate boredom. Also, if you’ve thought about coaching we get into what it really means and things you should be focused on. Finally, long swim layoffs and how to be a better and more purposeful swimmer next season. Topics: The C26 Club is back! A Complete 2021 Training plan and much more for only $349. Visit for more info. Living forever . . . ? Mike, The Club Manager  Mail truck on fire Optimum amount of core work for triathlon? Recognizing and improving specific weaknesses What’s the difference in a bike fit for short course vs. long course racing? How should I plan a race season? I’m bored, how to I find a challenge? What’s the first step for aspiring coaches? Experience vs. Coaching Certificates? Zoom Calls for social