Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#373 - The Reason You're Not Progressing . . . is because you're not progressing



Do you understand the purpose behind your training blocks? Do you recognize progression even when your numbers don't show it? Today, the physiology of getting stronger and faster and how it's all baked into your training plan. How to balance intensity with volume, and how training blocks should seamlessly overlap along with the psychology of repeating the same workout and why it's so good for your training. Topics: Chattanooga 70.3 and heat Happy and Healthy Baseline Base Phase and Build Phase Addressing specific parts of a discipline Specific Stimulus How Running and Cycling Blocks should mesh together Training Shouldn’t Start over each year How most athletes stunt their development Looking at your total athlete profile Why Ironman over-books entries It’s really fun to get faster It’s not just about training more Reality vs. Best interests of the athletes Hot, cold, hilly, flat? It’s all about where you start The tight rope of racing vs. non-racing Allocating Stress in training When to lower volume and up i