Crushing Iron Triathlon Podcast

#369 - Athlete Question Takeover



Are you being too hard on yourself right now? We start with a look at adjusting your workouts for success. Then get into why FTP tests may be the most overrated thing for long course racing. Can you get away with doing your own bike fit? Bike injuries that affect your run. Unsupported races. The most useless things in triathlon. And how to ride intervals when you're outside.  Topics:  Too hard on yourself? What are you reading? Our life is the toughest to navigate People will find a way Do we have faith in where this is going? Are we getting stronger? What’s the best thing we’ve seen during all of this? The small things are what matters Selfish or Selfless? How often should I retest my FTP? Why FTP tests are overrated How most athletes RUIN their race Which Race would Mike and Robbie Relive? Which one would you do over? Do you carry too much on the run/bike? Self fit a bike or bike shop fit? Save money or no for first true road bike. New to biking. I’m finally getting the hang of pushing intervals on the tra