Vince Russo's The Brand

Goldy's Closet EPS #117 Featuring Mark Phillips



What is #CryptoCurrency? Do you even know? Are you REALLY financially literate? Mark Phillips hangs in Goldy’s Closet and clears up the confusion on what this is all about. He answers the questions on ALL of our minds and answers them KINDLY. This is “Blockchain For Blondes” and everyone in-between. Find out where investments are heading and why certain currencies are not sustainable. BROS! Listen to this pod! Mark explains which apps are good and even gives us his code to use in his Twitter profile. Mark has your back! My friend Darby also joins to tear down the walls of myth surrounding these mysterious investment transactions. Bitcoin. It’s not just for breakfast anymore. #GoldyLocks #ImpactWrestling #VinceRusso #MarkPhillips #Blockchain #XRP #Algorand #Bitcoin #Investment #WrestlingPodcast #VinceRussoBrand #WWE #WCW #RelmNetwork #JoeRogan #RussosBrand #GoldyKnows #Raw #TNA #ImpactWrestling