

We all have defining moments in our lives. Some moments may clear the fog and open up new realms of possibility while other moments may turn a light off in order to self-protect. For many women like Amber Romaniuk, self-protection can show up as extra weight when food becomes an obsession. For anyone that has struggled with body image, it's not just understanding and undoing your own beliefs, stories, and traumas but breaking the shackles on years and years of generational stories and traumas. Through the result of her own experiences, Amber now knows that until you do the inner work to feel safe, your body will subconsciously hold on to the weight. Amber's personal story with food obsession began when she was only 5 years old. Growing up, almost every memory she created had some association with food. It was also a huge part of the relationship she had with her mom. So naturally, food carried a quality of love, nurture and comfort with it but it wasn't for years and years of binging, yo-yo dieting, and wagin