

Before learning golden age astrology, Krista was struggling as an entrepreneur to really find her path and niche but once she began to get more curious about her planetary placement and realized her path was connected to astrology, her life and business was changed forever.  Since then she has created a wildly successful business utilizing astrology as her main modality. In this episode, Krista and Sabrina discuss unconscious programming, indoctrination, and ultimately ways in which we can all raise the consciousness, starting with awareness. In its simplicity, life on Earth and in human form should consist of living in your heart space and elevating to become the most loving versions of ourselves, for ourselves. So how do we do this? Through education and awareness, understanding closed systems (so they can then be opened), and understanding and honoring your heart and purpose. In this episode we talked about... ◆ Krista's initiation to unleash Golden Age Astrology ◆ Understanding Closed Systems and