

As the veil gets thinner this Scorpio season, there's no doubt that our ancestors have our backs during this revolutionary time in human history. What we must remember is the importance of you embodying your Truth with conviction and courage. While, of course, we have the medicine of our ancestral lineage running through our veins, it's also important to honor what makes us uniquely who we are. Amy Pamensky is an Intuitive Mindset Coach who's been through her own journey of honoring her truth and journey as she's navigated through depression, divorce, and what it means to be courageously Amy. Building the relationship with our heart to then cultivate a symbiotic relationship between it and our minds is what's necessary for us to navigate through this human experience. As we begin to become friends with our ego instead of giving our power away to it, we'll begin to witness real change in our reality, especially when we choose to embark on the entrepreneurial path. We're not on this journey alone, and b