

As we approach the last days of the decade, Capricorn season is here to help us take action and SLAY into 2020 Crystal Vision. To kick off this season, we’re blessed to experience the Winter/Summer Solstice. If you remember, 7 years ago this time was the end of the Mayan Calendar. It takes 7 years for us to navigate through a Saturn Cycle, or in astrological terms, a Saturn Square. This is our chance to reflect back on not just the last 7 years and the lessons we’ve learned, but the lessons of the last decade. It’s the 99th episode of the Sovereign Society Podcast. Over the past 3 years, things have evolved. What I can tell you is that coming to the 100th episode, 2020, and a new decade, we’ve only scratched the surface here. It’s time for the Modern Mystics out there to finally unleash their medicine with the world. This is becoming a sacred space for you to activate your mystical business and life. In the meantime, tune in and learn about the medicine of the 12/21 Solstice Portal. In this Episode, I talke