The Sovereign Society Podcast || Modern Mysticism + Spirituality | Kundalini Yoga | Conscious Entreprenurship | Personal Emp

095 | Transcending Toxic Masculitity and Unconscious Culture / Nicky Wilks



In a society that’s been conditioned by an unconscious culture of toxic masculinity, disconnect, and separation from one’s eternal wisdom and Truth, best believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As more and more conscious men and women and everyone in between awakens, we begin to experience a level of emergent activism that has the power to revolutionize the world as we know it. Nicky Wilks is the Executive Director of Journeymen, is setting precedent on how we can best support the men of tomorrow. Through this non-profit organization, Nicky and his partner Alex Craighead are dedicated to building compassionate, inspired, and resilient young men through nature-based rites of passage, ongoing mentorship, and community engagement. As someone who’s witnessed this man’s evolutionary journey into conscious embodiment, this episode is here to help inspire you to what’s possible for our future as we begin to pave the path for the men of tomorrow to overcome the traumas and condition of our society as we k