The Sovereign Society Podcast || Modern Mysticism + Spirituality | Kundalini Yoga | Conscious Entreprenurship | Personal Emp

073 | Experiencing Your Conscious Reality and Beyond / Erin Stutland



In the world of being multi-passionate, it takes time, commitment, failure, and success to truly be able to navigate through it all. Entrepremamma Erin Stutland is showing us how it’s done with movement and grace. As with anything we endure in life, it's a journey and through that journey, you’ll learn along the way what practices and tools best support you. For Erin, she’s passionate about movement and mantra, so much so that she just released her book Mantras in Motion: Manifesting What You Want Through Mindful Movement.   With the uprise of conscious parenting, there is a movement happening where the parents of the new generation are understanding their influence in even the most mundane aspects of life. As more and more people do the work, we begin to heal the generations to come through conscious action and awareness as to how these children are affected. It's about doing the subconscious work within and without. We are also seeing through various online platforms how we are able to build community and