

The New Paradigm of Business has anchored and my guest Natalie Brite is one of the bright lighthouses that are leading the way. We have entered the paradigm that thrives through alignment and flow. For us to experience it, we must be willing to dive in deep and do the inner work to transmute anything that’s been stopping us. As you begin to ingest and honor your medicine, you’ll begin to share it out with the world and bless this place up. Be willing to take responsibility for your life by listening to your intuition and making this world a better place through your presence and your authentic radness. In this episode, Natalie and I talked about…. ☾ Collective Manifestation ☾ How ancestral/societal/cultural infulence truly impacts us ☾ Treating your Business / Personal journey as not just an external, but an internal experience ☾ Unpacking your Programming, beliefs, resistance, and unconscious cycles to expand and contribute to humanity ☾ The truth about Spiritual Bypassing ☾ Lightleaders to take