

We are constantly on a journey of learning and unlearning. Without a doubt, there’s a wave happening in humanity where we are all waking up and stepping up into our authentic radness. Each of us has an opportunity to reinvent themselves over and over and over again. This is especially so for Alyson Charles. After being known in the circuit as Rockstar Shaman, she’s been embracing more of Alyson Charles as a spiritual leader and lightworker in the world. Shamanism is on the rise because we are all remembering who we are and discovering this with the help of Mamma Gaia. It’s a journey about doing the inner work in order to shine and THRIVE in the Golden Era.   In this episode, Alyson and I talked about…. ☾ Claiming her medicine as Alyson Charles from Rockstar Shaman ☾ The evolution of Shamanism in the Golden Era ☾ Diving into those childhood wounds in order to infuse compassion and peace ☾ What Alyson’s learned from trusting and surrendering ☾ Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine in the collective and busin