

LIONS GATE 8.8 How are you choosing to radiate + shine your authentic radness?   The Lion’s Gate Portal is open. It’s a potent time for humanity, especially with the density we’ve been experiencing in our physical realm in recent time. Here’s the thing, the Sun, Earth, + the Star Sirius have all aligned with the galactic center in Leo. The stars are aligned for us to step into our highest evolvement, you know… the part of you that’s aligned with your heart. The Christ Consciousness has been coming through STRONG lately. Yeshua carries the "I Am” frequency. We are here to take a stand + say that we are made in the likeness of God, Spirit, The One, the Alpha + Omega.    You’re invited to dive in deep into your subconscious + see what limiting beliefs + patterns have been keeping you small, preventing you from living your soul’s mission + purpose. Lead with courage, + conviction with your lion heart. Deep down, you know you’re worthy of living the life of your dreams. Right now, the stars are opening the portal