

Alex Terranova has been on a recent quest, guided by his intuition on where to go next. Soon enough, Alex found himself in Joshua Tree to rent a house for a month and to discover what medicine would be there for him. As I found myself in the wrong, or so I thought, yoga class, I met Alex and was inspired by his willingness to truly honor the journey and trust the process. With a past of “having it all,” it wasn’t until his transformational breakthrough while traveling in Costa Rica that Alex discovered that something’s gotta shift. He’s learned how to feel, honor his feelings, and what it means to be a powerful man in today’s world. As a Business, Life and Mindfulness Coach, Alex is on a mission to help people discover their greatness and build the life of their dreams. It’s up to us to decide and choose that we are worthy and we are ready to make our dreams our reality. In this episode we talked about... ☾ Alex’s Nomadic Journey that led him to Joshua Tree ☾ What it takes to find people on your same vibe