

We are witnessing a time where people are ready to open wide. People are ready to be more vulnerable, more real than ever before. Society is willing to do the inner work because people are done playing small. Without a doubt, the conversation around our inner masculine and inner feminine has been a hot topic because we are realizing the importance of balance.  The thing is, we can’t rush our healing. It takes time to rewrite the story and shift the programming of our thoughts. It doesn’t happen over night. The more willing we are to conquer our inner mean girl / boy, the more we are able to show up fully for ourselves and for others. This new Golden Era is about balance. Honoring ourselves. Connection. Being real. Vulnerability and authenticity are your greatest assets in your human experience because it empowers and inspires others to take action and stay true to them.  In this episode, I had the pleasure of having a conversation with one of the most authentic people I’ve had on the Sovereign Society Podcast