

While 8% of people achieve their New Years Resolutions, 80% fail by February… That’s insane! We have these visions and dreams and we want to make the shift, but how much do we really want it? As we embark on our last weeks of what has been a wild 2017, we have the grit and the opportunity to get a head start of our New Years resolutions by starting NOW. All your power and presence starts in this present moment. Rather than having our goals and desires be a pipe dream, taking the action steps today towards what it is you’re ready to manifest and realize gives you a boost and helps you on the path to a Kick Ass 2018. We are on the precipice of the holiday season. Imagine starting your new habits before hitting the Thanksgiving table and being around all the family. Without a doubt, our families are our biggest triggers… it’s why we chose them in this lifetime. When we remember that they are simply a reflection of us, we can choose again and see it as an opportunity that the Universe is conspiring in our favor b