The Sovereign Society Podcast || Modern Mysticism + Spirituality | Kundalini Yoga | Conscious Entreprenurship | Personal Emp

022 | Conquering Mental Illness + Rising Up to our Authentic Truth



Mental Illness. It's a topic that NEEDS to be brought up and spoken about. Yes, it seems as though the world is going insane. What's happening during these times is evident, this is all a call for love, connection, oneness. This is the time for us to love and honor ourselves for who we Authentically are. Having suffered from mental illness for over 20 years of my life, I've been able to see what's happing from a higher perspective because I've been there. The war in my head once ruled, but through being gentle, patience, healing, and stepping into my light, I've found myself in a space where I can share the utmost compassion to myself because I'm worthy of it. We are all worthy of the love and compassion. Right now, the world is on fire. People are suffering. Homes are being burnt. All of this is due to the mental illness of the collective from past traumas, our fears, and limiting beliefs we have about ourselves. This is a time to WAKE UP! and stay responsible for our actions, behaviors, and character. As we