The Sovereign Society Podcast || Modern Mysticism + Spirituality | Kundalini Yoga | Conscious Entreprenurship | Personal Emp

021 | Surrendering to the Journey of Self-Love + Just Be :: Meredith Rom



Following your gut to take the risk. Cultivating trust as you embark on the Spiritual Journey and into the unknown. Rising Women Leaders Podcast host + author Meredith Rom reminds us in her new book Just Be the importance of Just Be-ing as we begin to honor the journey and trust the process. In her latest memoir, Meredith shares her journey of finding Self-Love in India as she trusted her intuition and listened to her spirit guides to choose again to where her life was headed. She heard the call to move to India to participate at Amma’s Ashram, but along the way, she was guided to surrender and to explore more of the country on a pilgrimage of a lifetime. Living in fear to express herself and being out there, her body and Spirit let her know that this was the time for her to explore. After her pilgrimage, Meredith has stepped up as a Sovereign Leader for women through her podcast, business, and her latest offering, The Sovereign Circle to help empower women to tap into and live from their higher self. In this