

Today's episode is one of the most empowering conversations of my life thus far, something I couldn't even do just weeks ago. Stepping more into my Sat Nam, I've found myself finding it easier to talk openly about a difficult psychedelic trip I had at Coachella back in 2012, releasing the shame and healing the stigmas, one authentic conversation at a time. Suppressing the gifts and the growth that came from that experience, it wasn't until recently I really heard the call to be more upfront and more honest about my psychedelic journey and my passion for these medicines. Up until Envision, I carried a deep load of shame for my journey + the medicines that were the catalyst for the Sabrina you see today. After Costa Rica, I heard the call to stop playing small and to start getting real about what fuels me and what reigns true in my heart. Having Sara Gael, M.A. Director of Harm Reduction for MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies, + the head coordinator of the Zendo Project, a sacred and