

For 5 years, I was afraid to speak my truth on what was really on my heart. Doing my best to "fit in" the yoga community while doing my best to also figure out who I am, I realized I was hiding in the spiritual closet. For years, I was afraid to shine my light because I carried shame after a difficult LSD experience. After feeling like I disappointed society, I carried that shame until very recently. Over the years, I dove into deep self-study, doing whatever I could to heal myself and honor my pain body that arose, meaning I was here to take responsibility for my life and reclaiming my sovereignty over my life, health, and happiness. That experience gave me permission to love myself for the first time. Working through an episode of psychosis + PTSD, I allowed myself to be a hermit, even from those I loved most, because I was afraid to contaminate them with my pain and energy. This made me more in my ego and more separated from those who cared for me and wanted me to get better. I began practicing Kundalini Y