We All Wear It Differently - A Podcast For Early Career Psychologists

#51 – Early Career Psychologist Series, Chapter 4 – Rose Evans and Anastasia Hronis



This episode is the fourth of a series of five chapters with early career psychologists. They’re either completing their training, or are in their early years of working, and come from all different backgrounds with vastly different life experiences. I love how in this small sample of seven people, you get a sense of the diversity of individuals that come to this profession. After publishing just 6 of these interviews you’ll see what I mean!   Each person reminds me of the sheer determination and hard work it takes to become a psychologist, something we should pat ourselves on the back for achieving, regularly! In this episode I chatted to Rose Evans, 51 year old mum of 4 (her kids are aged between 23 and 10), owner of 3 chickens and 2 beagles. I also chat to Anastasia Hronis who is 25,  and as well as being a psychologist is a professional pianist! Rose lives in Northwest Sydney and is in her first year of general registration.  She works in a variety of different roles including in private practice at PSYCH