The Food Startups Podcast

Ep112- Start a Food Brand Your Way - Ryan Florio of Inca Tea



“Buy the ticket, take the ride.”  -Hunter S. Thompson He took an adventure against doctor’s orders and it changed his life. Back to another Ohio startup (what up LeBron!), Inca Tea does not disappoint. As you'll learn today, Ryan Florio is a contrarian thinker. He does not take things at face value, which gives him an advantage in business and life. The story of Inca Tea began when Ryan and his friends hiked a treacherous Peruvian mountain trail with the help of their Sherpa Edgar. Edgar introduced them to an amazing Ancient Tea recipe combining boiling water, freshly cut apples and Purple Corn, which Peruvians consider a super food that fights against a host of medical conditions. Upon Ryan’s return home to the U.S., he quit his job, cashed in his 401K, took a second mortgage out on his home and started a company called Inca Tea, the first U.S. company to use the ingredient Purple Corn. In addition to winning several awards throughout the state of Ohio, Inca Tea’s sales continue to climb at big-brand stores