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#57: (PART 2) How To Live With Someone Who Won't Change



Two weeks ago, for Episode #53 I explained the differences between a hoarder and a pack rat. Which then led us to the following week's Monday morning episode, episode #55, when I read to you a story about a woman who was married to a pack rat. In that episode we looked a dilemma that many people have. How do you live with someone who just won't change? What do you do when you want simplicity in your own life and home, but a close family member seems to be working against your efforts? And if you remember, the concepts and strategies that I gave you aren't just for people living with pack rats. You can actually apply them to any difficult relationship. Any relationship where you struggle with wanting and wishing that the other person was different in some sort of way. Any relationship, where you wish they would make positive changes and for some reason, they just don't. How do you peacefully live with someone who you so desperately want to change? If you haven't listened to that episode, go back and push play