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#53: Pack Rat or Hoarder? What's The Difference? (Ask CarlaRae)



One question that I've received a few times from listeners and have been asked many times throughout the years is this: Is there a difference between a "pack rat" and a "hoarder"? Well, some people would say that both terms mean the same thing. And while I would agree there is overlap, there are differences between the two. And that's what we look at on today's episode of Life Made Simple. I define and explain the differences and similarities between a hoarder and a pack rat. I then dive into a lot of the psychology behind it all. Do you know anyone who would enjoy listening Life Made Simple? You can share all my episodes with them by having them go I would so appreciate it if you could help spread the word about our show! And don't forget to subscribe on itunes or whatever podcast app you prefer, to stay updated on all our new episodes. If you've liked what you've heard so far, I would love it if you would take a minute and leave us a review on itunes. It would help us out immensel