

Like I often talk about on the show, the key to simplifying your life is to figure out what's really important to you, focus only on those things that really matter, and let go of anything and everything that doesn't.  In order to have the life you've always dreamed of and become the person you've always wanted to be, you must put your time and efforts into pursuing your dreams, goals, and everything you value... and somehow let go of anything holding you back. And that's what we talk about today. On this episode of Life Made Simple, I talk about one amazing tool that will empower you to focus on what's really important in your life so that you can push forward and accomplish all your goals, dreams, and anything that you aspire to be. This one tool can be a total game changer if you give it a chance.  I started using it about two years ago and it's completely changed my life. That incredible tool that I'm referring to is called a Vision Board.  Do you have a vision board yet?  Well if you don't, then definite