

I want to share with you all the details about a very special online 5-day event that will take place next week starting Wednesday February 15th (of 2017) and goes through Sunday February 19th. And it's completely free! That's right, it doesn't cost anything... it's FREE! Don't worry... if you're tuning in sometime after February 15th, it's not too late to join in the fun! Just click on the registration link and you can sign up to get notified when it becomes available in a couple months after the original event. The online event is called The Simple Living Summit. (A summit, if you don't know, is an online conference with interviews, presentations, and workshops from top experts in a field who teach and share their knowledge.) A few months ago, I was approached by the creator of The Simple Living Summit and I was asked to be a guest speaker for the program. I was so honored and of course couldn't turn the opportunity down! The purpose of this particular Summit is to spread the principle of simple living by g