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#39: I'm Suffering From Magazine Overload! (CarlaRae Confesses)



You might have noticed in the title of for today's show it says "CarlaRae Confesses". That's because every month or so on Life Made Simple, we feature a special  segment when yours truly admits to an area of my own life where I've fallen short in the whole simplicity department... certain areas of life where even I need a little extra help in. You've probably heard me talk about this before, but long before my days of being a Professional Home Organizer, I was actually a pack rat as a child. I was completely attached to everything I owned! Everything felt special to me and I wanted to keep it all. I'm also a recovering overachiever who used to commit to WAY more than one person could possible handle. And to this day (you can ask my husband) I still sometimes bite off more than I can chew. The fact is, in our crazy busy world it's HARD to simplify. And there's so much psychology behind it all! While I love helping all my client's push past anything holding them back from discovering true simplicity in life, I