Life Made Simple With Carlarae Motivation Inspiration Home Organizing Time Management Lifestyle & Wellnes

#25: (PART 1) How Can I Help My Child Let Go of Stuff? (Ask CarlaRae)



Over the years, as a professional home organizer, I've done many workshops and other special speaking engagements.  And I absolutely love any opportunity that comes up to do so! Now, I know that most people dread and fear public speaking, but for some reason I love getting up to talk in front of a huge room full of people.    Well, last week I had the opportunity to speak to a mom's group here in the Seattle area. It was a MOPS group (which stands for mothers of preschoolers) and they invited me to talk about how to clean out your closet, which just so happened to be a recent podcast episode I did a few weeks ago, Episode #21 (so I really didn't have to spend very much time prepping for it). Anyways, during my talk, we discussed the psychology behind why it's so hard to let things go sometimes.  And since it was a room full of mothers, the conversation naturally turned into talking about our kids and going through their closets. Well, during the question and answer time at the end, one woman asked a really go