

As a Home Organizer, I help people clear out their clutter. Clutter in their time and schedules, their to-do lists, their relationships, and mostly I help people clear out the clutter in their homes. I not only deal with the physical aspects of clutter, but I specialize in the psychological aspects as well. The truth is, I can help someone clean out and organize their home, but if we don't deal with the psychological side of their clutter problem, the clutter always seems to come back. Unfortunately, clutter is not always an easy problem to solve. It sometimes seems like it should be, but it's just not. Sure, if you were to walk into someone else's cluttered house and look around, you'd probably think to yourself, "Wow, this is a lot of stuff! Do they really need all this? I'm sure most of it isn't even that important. I'm sure it would be a piece of cake to get rid of all this junk and clear this place out!" Yes, it's easy to view other people's clutter as useless or insignificant, but when it comes to our o