Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

Getting past imposter syndrome when you haven’t received your RD credentials yet with Marissa Kai



Do you feel underqualified to take on clients because you don’t have your RD credentials yet? Are you letting imposter syndrome get the best of you? You have the knowledge to get started already! Now you just need to believe in yourself and do it! In today’s episode, cohost Bonnie Roney is talking with Marissa Kai. Marissa started her business before she finished her dietetic training! She went from feeling like she had to wait until she got her RD credentials to starting even though she hasn’t yet gotten it! “Since starting, my Instagram is growing. I'm seeing clients and I'm still not an RD. I just started selling a three-month package program and I already have one client in that..” - Marissa Kai   In today’s episode… Where she started and where she is now? What it is like growing her business at this stage in her life? What her nutrition philosophy is? Has she found success by getting more specific with her target market? How she promotes her business through Instagram? What her Instagram feed looked lik