Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

How to make your clients know that now is the time to focus on themselves with Mikka Knapp



Are you having a hard time connecting with your clients during the pandemic? Now more then ever they need to be thinking about themselves! How can you get your audience to see this is the time for that?  In today’s episode of Dietitian Boss, I am talking with Mikka Knapp. Mikka is a flexitarian dietitian based in Sarasota, Florida and she's the founder of Bright Body Nutrition. Mikka specializes in primarily plant-based diets to help women achieve sustainable weight loss and feel amazing in their bodies. She teaches her clients how to confidently make balanced meals at home and healthy choices on the go so they can slim down and feel well for life. “A lot of people come in the door wanting you to fix them. So by explaining the process and having people commit to a process, it's kind of weeded out those people who just want that quick fix.” - Mikka Knapp In today’s episode… What her nutrition philosophy is? How she is using this time during COVID19 to grow her business? How her niche has evolved? What tips sh