Journey Of A Frontman

31. Frankie Kazarian



Frankie Kazarian returns to Journey of a Frontman after being on the very first episode over a year ago. When he's not kicking ass and taking names in Ring of Honor alongside "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, the wrestling veteran is playing bass in VexTemper. The band just released their debut album Doom Engine, which is now available on Spotify and iTunes. The Southern California rockers stand by the genre of "desert metal", embracing their roots and love for legendary metal acts such as Pantera. Frankie and Alex talk about the recording of the album, the chemistry with his bandmates, his appreciation of walking alongside the desert, plans for 2017 and more. Plus there's plenty of chatter about Christopher Daniels finally winning the big one, Wrestlemania weekend, trips to Cracker Barrel and stories about his fellow wrestling brethren.