Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

Greywalker Metal Band- Brian Howe and Ricky Zimerman



#111 Greywalker Metal Band- Brian Howe and Ricky Zimerman When someone asks me to describe metal music, I can't. I know zero, zip, ziltch about metal bands. I have a friend in Pittsburgh who is part of the Epicast family named Brian Howe that intrigued me when I found out he is the lead singer of a metal band in Pittsburgh called Greywalker.  Brian and I have hung out occasionally, he always saves the day for my lack of technical audio skills.(He has mad skills) We even recorded a short 1 minute video where I taught him why he should pack light while he travels. Brian has a soft spoken voice, and seems to be one of the nicest, and wittiest people I have come across in town. When I learned he sings in a metal band, I was floored. He runs his own podcast that is called Start The Beat with Sikes, where he interviews people in the music industry, so he is used to talking, but a metal band? Really? I was fascinated, and if you subscribe to my podcast (Which you totally should), you would know that if it is somethi