Networking With Michelle | Personal Connection, Influential Network

Time To Make Some Noise: 7 Steps to Creating an Influential Personal Brand



**Update on pricing. Over the past four years I have learned a lot about cultivating an influential brand that has led to publishing books, launching a podcast, speaking gigs, and leadership roles. While building my business I have learned valuable lessons from leveraging platforms to social media strategies and relationship building that has allowed me to grow in many areas. 1. Establish Your Core Message 2. Create a Platform 3. Get Social Your Story 4. Create an Emotional Impact 5. The Triad of Influence 6. From Connections to Credibility 7. Show Me The Money This will be an intense 7 week program that will allow you to take a deep dive into establishing your personal brand. In order for me to learn more about you and your goals, please complete the form. Limited seating to only 14 people will be accepted into the program. I will review each application to gain a better understanding of where you are in your brand development. All applicants will receive a response. There is an investment of $749 for this p