Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

297 - Courage to Stand Up



Happy International Women's Day. As women we all do better when we are able to challenge each other AND support each other. Together a healthy dose of each makes for a better outcome. To follow up on my focus on the courage of a bully from last week, I focus this week on how we need to be willing to stand up together against systems and practices that keep us down. 2021 theme: resilience March topic: courage Weekly Focus: courage to stand up   This week's question for reflection: when and how do I best apply my courage to advocate for my self or others regardless of the cost to me? That's real courage!   Links to walk together: Find me on LINKEDIN and connect with or follow me there. Book a complimentary  Exploratory Conversation  Learn more about my Resilience: why, what and how to perform with excellence For the rest of this week you may still find an opening at Additionally, check out my joint effort in the creation of a YouTube channel: Illuminate 2 Generate.