Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union

MiniGUP 22: credit card has been stolen by Sony!



The very face of MiniGUP has changed, and it now generates nothing but pure, undiluted awesome. Join in with the crew in this 22nd episode of MiniGUP as we celebrate Astharis taking the reins as host with her trusty number 2, Colin. Darryl and Brian troll the episode as well! The group spends some time recapping the previous show and reading some of your comments and then they launch into two different discussions. First deals with Sony and the “problems” they've had over the last couple of weeks. After that, the MiniGUP posse goes into a discussion about the summer drought and whether or not there is one this year. It all breaks down as they confess to their individual piles of shame. The new era of MiniGUP is here and it is not to be missed!