Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

107: Kid Friendly Adult Humor Films ft. Stephen Kramer Glickman



Episode Summary: This week on the FadCast, we are joined by one of the stars of the upcoming film "Storks," Stephen Kramer Glickman! Stephen helps us to identify animated films that appeal to both children and adults in reference to his similarly humored film "Storks" which releases this Friday. We also partake in a reading from "The Lego Movie" as an example of a film that all ages seem to love. How did you like the show? Which is YOUR favorite episode to date? We want to know YOUR opinion, so tell us in the comment section below. Episode Breakdown: Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast Episode 107 Ryan: With our special celebrity guest, voice actor for the upcoming “Storks,” Stephen Kramer Glickman Pooya: Today we’ll get juvenile talking about a particular segment animated films Ryan: as we discuss cinematic animation that appeals to both children and adults Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started! (Intro Music break) Current Events -  'Max Rose' Review & Trailer for "Pas