Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

71: Awards Movies, Films, and Oscar Predictions



Episode Summary: Today the FadCast talks about the recent Golden Globe winners and what these wins might mean for the Oscars later this year. We also discuss the condensed list of actors to play Han Solo and which genre of film Quentin Tarantino will explore next. How did you like the show? Which is YOUR favorite episode to date? We want to know YOUR opinion, so tell us in the comment section below. Episode Breakdown: Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast episode 71! Ryan: With special guest, giant of silence, JD the mime. Pooya: Today we’ll talk the highs and lows of the recent 2016 Golden Globe Awards. Ryan: And take a look forward in predicting what the future holds in store for the upcoming Academy Awards. Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started! (Intro Music break) Speed Round (~6min) Golden Globes Recap (~21min) Oscar Predictions (~14min)