

Yeah. No, no, no, wait a minute, I always have tuna on toast. Nothing's ever worked out for me with tuna on toast. I want the complete opposite of on toast. Chicken salad, on rye, untoasted... and a cup of tea.  ~George Costanza, Seinfeld We all have things we’ve believed for so long, we no longer even question their accuracy.  In our minds, they are facts.  Hard, cold truths about who we are, what we’re capable of and what our future holds.  Some of these truths are helpful and reflect our best selves.  Most of them, however, do not.  Listen in as we talk about how to start believing something different.  Recommended Resources: Join LEAD.Well – a new leadership subscription for women who want to be better, braver leaders. Sign up to receive my weekly Leadership Letters Join me on Instagram here or on Twitter Thanks for listening: I want to thank you for listening and to those that have taken the time to review the show. If you like the Rise without Compromise podcast, please consider leaving an honest revie