Beyond Pro Podcast: Leadership Insights For Women In Business

10 Questions to Welcome the Year Ahead



Hello and happy new year!  This episode is dropping at the end of my first week back post-holidays, and I feel like I’m just getting back into the groove. As I said on Instagram earlier this week, give yourself lots of grace and space as you re-enter back to work.  In our last episode, we talked about 10 questions you could ask yourself to close out the year. If you missed it and want to take that reflection time (sidebar, it’s not too late) head here.  Today we’re going to spend time envisioning what 2020 can bring you. If you’re listening to this much later than January 2020, don’t skip this. These questions are valuable at any time of the year.  Once again, I encourage you to give yourself permission to take some time to think these over. Head to a local coffee shop for an hour of uninterrupted time, with your favourite notebook. Don’t rush through it. Taking this time now will help you set up the year ahead in a purposeful, mindful way that can be sustainable.  Trust me, with a lot of personal and client