Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP085 - Get off the Hamster Wheel (Tips to Manage Anxiety with Heather Rider)



In this episode, you’ll learn from anxiety coach Heather Rider, who personally overcame high-functioning anxiety to lead a life with more grace and ease. Heather is the author of the Anxiety Detox Workbook, a publication that allows clients to take consistent action towards improved mental wellness. This episode is a fun add-on discussion to the recent interview with Dr. Chloe Carmichael, author of the recently published “Nervous Energy: Harness the Power of Your Anxiety”. https://makeeverythingfun.com/podcast/e084-chloe-carmichael/ We have 7 “fun nuggets” to share with you from this interview: #1: High functioning anxiety is like having 2 layers of the brain: one is where you are present and calm, and the other is like a crazy hamster wheel #2: To address high functioning anxiety, it is important to address the hamster wheel (and get off it) For a fun giggle, this link goes to my book trailer video for Mountain Mantras: Wellness and Life Lessons. Notice the hamster on the wheel! https://makeeverythingfun.com