Positive On Publishing Podcast

POP059: Make Your Publishing Journey Profitable and Fun



In this episode, I release an interview I did with the Nonfiction Authors Association Founder Stephanie Chandler. We shed some light on some financial aspects of both writing and publishing. So the guest and host tables are turned for this particular episode, which is always a fun twist on a concept! I’ve provided the complete transcript of our interview instead of “fun nuggets”. I’ll also provide you with the links to the FREE courses on publishing in my Teachable school: Make Publishing Profitable and Fun Make Publishing Fun Summit I also have an excellent course (priced at $197) with 5x #1 NYT bestselling author Carol Kline for authors writing transformational non-fiction. I highly recommend checking that out if that is your genre. If you are looking for the report of the author survey which I discuss in this interview, it is contained in both of my free teachable courses on publishing, so I’ve got you covered. Here is the transcript of our conversation: Stephanie: Well. Hi everybody. Welcome to the telese