Beyond Pro Podcast: Leadership Insights For Women In Business

What you need to get about decision fatigue



“When things aren’t adding up in your life, start subtracting.” ~Anonymous We live in a society that pulls at us from every direction. We often feel pressured to perform to a certain standard (you know you succumb once in while at least!). Whether it’s the Martha Stewart birthday party or the tough decisions an entrepreneur is faced with on a regular basis, it doesn’t really ever end. In those crazy moments, when the sense of overwhelm strikes and we’re forced into another decision – big or small – how can we trust the quality of those decisions? What can we do to eliminate decision-making so that our stress can be reduced and peace of mind improved? In today’s podcast, we will review what causes our stress to elevate, what it is that we ourselves contribute to the cycle, and some strategies to implement to improve your quality of life, reduce triggers and find opportunities to do better and therefore, be better. We have a tendency to complicate things and it just doesn’t always have to be that way. It’s the